Day 2- Basic Linux commands

Day 2- Basic Linux commands

#90daysofdevops Day2 Tasks:

  1. Check your present working directory -> pwd

  2. List all the files or directories including hidden files -> ls -a

  3. Create a nested directory A/B/C/D/E -> mkdir -p A/B/C/D/E

  4. To check memory, will use 3 commands:

    How to check for:


      --> free


    --> df -H   


    --> top

Few more commands:

man <command>

To get the manual of that command



ls -al

to get more info

ls -a 

to show hidden files

mkdir <new dir name>

create a directory/folder

rmdir  <dir name>

remove the empty dir/folder

rm -rf  <dirname>

remove the dir with files in them

Will publish more day-to-day commands in the next blog.

Happy Learning! :)